Portsmouth’s majestic Guildhall provides a most dramatic backdrop for your wedding pictures and memories. Whether you choose to spend all or just part of your special day with us you and your guests w...
HMS Victory: Host your event onboard Vice Admiral Lord Nelson’s flagship, the most celebrated warship in British naval historyAre you looking for a truly extraordinary venue for your dinner party? Loo...
Action Stations: Discover two fantastic events spaces in the centre of Portsmouth Historic DockyardAction Stations will be closing its doors on 23 February 2025. This closure marks the start of a sign...
HMS Warrior: Create timeless memories onboard the pride of the Victorian NavySteeped in history, HMS Warrior is a marvel of Victorian engineering and an icon of British naval power. Launched in 1860, ...
National Museum of the Royal Navy Galleries Portsmouth: Elevate your events with exclusive venue hire in the heart of Portsmouth Historic DockyardEach artifact within the National Museum of the Royal ...